30 Years

Congratulations Roberta Gatti

"The two most important things in any company do not appear in its balance sheet: its reputation and its people.” Henry Ford.

Every corporate birthday is not only a work satisfaction but also a symbol of firmness of a company, of the credibility of a brand, of reassurance for the customers and of membership for the employees. In this sense there is for us of the ALLTRANS Group a sense of pride every time a collaborator reaches this goal.

We would like to congratulate with Roberta Gatti – Managing our Seafreight Export Department - for her 30th Anniversary in ALLTRANS and we thank her for her precious contribution and for the profuse professionalism expressed during all these years.

An increasingly competitive market needs to be always ready to accept new challenges.
It is thanks to good people like Roberta that ALLTRANS has succeeded over the years in transforming challenges into goals and goals into success.


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